RPI - Fixed IP

On your laptop using the file method:

  1. Plug the SD card from the Raspberry Pi into your desktop and you will see 2 disk appear.

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Especially on Windows machines, there's a high chance that at this point the SD card WON'T be fully recognized. In that case, only the 'boot' section might be available, not the 'rootfs' section, which is inconvenient because we specifically need the latter... Otherwise, it's best to use a Monitor, Keyboard, and Mouse, and make the following adjustments from the Raspberry Pi's Graphical Desktop. (see below)


  • In that case, first, insert your SD card into your Raspberry Pi.
  • Connect the monitor, keyboard, and mouse, and switch on the power:
  • If the green LED flashes during startup, the installation on the SD card is usually OK.
  • If the LED stays on, there may have been an error in writing, and it's best to redo this.


Open the rootfs partition of the SD card on your laptop:

Open the Directory "/etc"

Open the file "dhcpcd.conf" with a simple text editor.


At the very bottom of this file, type the following lines:

interface eth0

static ip_address=

static routers=

static domain_name_servers=


Save the file

And make sure to properly eject the SD card before removing it.


Now connect your Raspberry Pi to your laptop via an Ethernet cable and connect the power to the Raspberry Pi.


PC settings:

Change the ethernet settings on your laptop to:

ip adres:




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  • Check whether the LEDs on your Ethernet adapter are flashing
  • If all is well, you can now connect via SSH (or Putty). create with your Raspberry Pi


Directly in the Graphics Desktop of the RPi:

  • If Windows could not read your SD card, close your RPi on the monitor, Keyboard and Mouse at the front of the Lab.
  • Insert the SD card into your Raspberry Pi and connect the power On



You MUST have the monitor connected FIRST before you start

RPi under power otherwise it may damage the monitor

DO NOT recognize and DO NOT provide an image


On the monitor you normally see the boot text coming and if everything is done you get the Raspberry Pi OS Graphical Desktop:

  • Can't get an image?
  • If the green LED on the Rpi is flashing at power up

the installation on the SD card is normally ok,

in this case, check the video cable.


Once the Graphics Desktop has started, open a terminal and edit the following configuration file:

sudo nano /etc/dhcpcd.conf


type the following lines at the very bottom of this file:

interface eth0


static ip_address=

static routers=

static domain_name_servers=

Save file with ctrl+O, exit nano with ctrl+X


Now shut down the Raspberry pi with "sudo poweroff"


Disconnect this and connect it to your own lab table Laptop via the Ethernet cable
