Footsteps and Jump sound


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Size: 0.85 KB

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  1. Create a new "Audio Source" on your playermodel
  2. Give this Audio Source the footstep sound effect
  3. Check the "Loop" mark
  4. Disable the Audio Source
  5. Add the footsteps.cs script onto the playermodel
  6. Put the playermodel that holds the Audio Source in the empty fields
  7. Leave the Raycast Distance on 2


Jump sound

  1. Create an empty child object in the playermodel
  2. Give this an Audio Source
  3. And add the Jump sound effect

This Audio Source needs to be enabled and loop unchecked

  1. Add the JumpSound.cs script onto the playermodel
  2. Put the playermodel that holds the Audio Source in the empty fields
  3. Leave the Raycast Distance on 2
