Start screen with main menu
We will create a basic but working main menu screen for your game or project in just 10 steps.
Background Image
- Start by creating a new scene called 'Main Menu'
- Add a canvas with a image, this will be your background image
When importing new images make sure to put Texture Type on Sprite (2D and UI)!
- Add the image to the image component
- Add a UI text field
Start Button
- Add an UI Button
- Then add the ButtonLevelLoad.cs script onto the text field of the button
- Give in the name (string) of the level you want to load; by example "scene1"
- Next we will need to add a function to the button component
- Drag in the the text field of the button into the empty object
- Go to "No Funtion" and search for ButtonLevelLoad and use LoadLevel()